Newsletter: Upcoming Support Groups and Workshops
Dear Families,
Great news! The Registered Dietitian at Advocare Fairmount Pediatrics is now covered by most insurance companies. What does this mean for you? Well, now you pick her brain on your child’s picky eating, get the scoop on starting solids and learn food first approaches to clearing constipation more affordably! Schedule with the dietitian, Liv Lee, on the website using the red Schedule Appointment button.
What else is new with us? Follow along on Instagram at advocarefairmountpeds for nutrition tips, kid friendly recipes and updates on workshops and support groups.
Advocare Fairmount Pediatrics will offer monthly nutrition focused virtual workshops on Picky Eating, Starting Solids and Food Allergies and Intolerances. Check out the descriptions below for more information. Be on the lookout for pop up workshops on our Instagram and Facebook pages! Registration is $15 and open to everyone. Please use the link below to sign up.
Addressing Picky Eating
First Saturday of the month*
Just about every child goes through some picky eating at one time or other. It can show up anywhere between 18 months and 6 years of age and is a part of childhood development. Still, picky eating can be quite frustrating for all involved. In this workshop, learn to keep mealtimes low stress while ensuring optimal nutrition for your little one. With a review of Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility and a few other tips along the way, you will feel confident managing any feeding issues that your child throws your way.
Starting Solids - The Feeding Journey That Lasts a Lifetime
Second Saturday of the month*
Starting solids is an exciting time for both baby and parent. The child’s world broadens with each new flavor and texture, while the parent can take joy in watching their little one discover this new world of solids. It is also a journey built upon trust between child and parent. Through the lens of Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility, this workshop will walk through the how and when to introduce solids, how to safely introduce high allergen foods and which foods help build pincer grasp and promote chewing capability.
Allergies and Food Intolerances
Third Saturday of the month
Allergies can be a scary part of the childhood feeding process and can lead to issues down the road such as picky eating. In this workshop, learn how to identify a food allergy intolerance and what to do about each of them. Education on food label reading and the hidden sources of the main six allergens of milk, wheat, eggs, soy, fish, shellfish and tree nuts will also be provided. Finally, we will discuss appropriate food substitutes to ensure optimal nutrition for your child.
Registration link:
Follow us here on Instagram!
Workshop dates may vary on occasion, please see registration link for final dates.
Alexis Lieberman, MD
and all of us at Advocare Fairmount Pediatrics