We are accepting new patients from birth through 21 years of age!
Click on the Green Schedule Appointment button. Choose a “New Patient Meet the Office” appointment that works for you. We require this free meeting before you can establish care here at the office. This gives you a chance to be sure that it will be a good fit!
Please Note: We do not reschedule these visits if there is a short-notice cancellation with less than 24 hours notice.
If you like the office after the meeting, please contact your health insurance company by looking on the back of your card to find the Member Services Number. Ask them to change your child’s primary care provider to Advocare Fairmount Pediatrics. If you run into a problem with this step, please call our office immediately at 215-774-1166, so that we can fix the problem.
Please call the office for your very first appointment. 215-774-1166. Going forward, you will book on the website. We will set up your portal account at your first visit.
If your child has been seen by another pediatrician, please ask them in writing to send selections from your child’s records (vaccine record, growth chart, problem list, all labs and studies, all consultant letters, and notes from most recent two visits) to Advocare Fairmount Pediatrics, at the address at the bottom of this page. If this is not possible, please do bring a copy of your child’s vaccine record to the first visit.
See "Insurance & Billing" for a list of Insurance Providers we accept.
If you are expecting a baby, we would love to meet with you. This meeting with the doctor and the staff is free of charge, and will give you a chance to see if the practice would be a good fit. Please use the scheduling tool to book a meeting (it’s the top option). We look forward to meeting with you! Would you like shopping advice? Here’s a list of things you may want for the new baby.
We know what a wonderful, yet hectic, time it can be when you bring a new baby home. We would like to offer some helpful advice so that you may avoid some common mistakes that parents of newborns make when it comes to your insurance company. Taking the following steps will also help to ensure that your visits to our office aren’t complicated by extra paperwork.
Contact your human resources department or member services at your insurance company and inform them that you have a new baby. Please try to do this within the first few days of the baby’s life. Most insurance companies require that this be done within the first 30 days of life. If you have an HMO, please ALSO CONTACT THE INSURANCE COMPANY yourself! This will get the ball rolling, in case you need a referral for a specialist.
Bring your own insurance card with you to the baby’s first visit. If there are 2 or more parents and one of you gave birth, bring that person’s card to the visit. The baby will be covered under this parent’s identification number until they receive an individual card or through the first 30 days of life. (Reality check: What will really happen is, we will submit the bill to the parent’s insurance and they will deny it. You will get a new insurance card within a few weeks, with a different number. PLEASE REMEMBER TO GIVE US THIS NEW NUMBER! Then, we will resubmit the newborn visit bill under the new number and it will be covered.)
Once you receive notification from your insurance company that your new dependent has been added to your insurance, present this information to the office immediately so that proper billing is completed. PLEASE BRING US THE NEW INSURANCE NUMBER AS SOON AS YOU GET IT!
You may receive a separate card with your child’s name. You will need to give this to the front desk so there is a current copy in your child’s chart.
If you have an HMO insurance you will likely need to select a Primary Care Physician (PCP) for your child. You may do this at the time of enrollment or you may contact member services and inform them that you wish to select our office as your child’s PCP. Failing to do so may result in a denial of your claims.